Get Involved


Dr. Tiamesha Walker-Smith
Dear Potential Partner
There are many ways to get involved in ATHENA of the Triangle, an organization that supports women leaders. Join us, it will make a difference for you. It will make a difference for another woman!
Founded in 2014 as an affiliate of ATHENA International, ATHENA of the Triangle organization began with the introduction of the ATHENAPowerLink® Program. Supporting the ATHENAPowerLink® candidates for the past four years, in 2016, we introduced the ATHENA Women’s Leadership Luncheon program and established ATHENA of the Triangle as a 501(c)3.
Our mission is to inspire and support established and emerging women leaders. We do this by assisting women leaders in achieving their highest potential through innovative programming in leadership development and entrepreneurial skills-building.
As a non-profit organization, we depend on the generosity of friends and supporters in order to foster our growth and vitality. I hope you take a moment and consider serving as a volunteer, sponsor, or think about donating in support of our programs.
Dr. Tiamesha Walker-Smith
Executive Director, ATHENA of the Triangle

Dr. Tiamesha Walker-Smith
Dear Potential Partner
There are many ways to get involved in ATHENA of the Triangle, an organization that supports women leaders. Join us, it will make a difference for you. It will make a difference for another woman!
Founded in 2014 as an affiliate of ATHENA International, ATHENA of the Triangle organization began with the introduction of the ATHENAPowerLink® Program. Supporting the ATHENAPowerLink® candidates for the past four years, in 2016, we introduced the ATHENA Women’s Leadership Luncheon program and established ATHENA of the Triangle as a 501(c)3.
Our mission is to inspire and support established and emerging women leaders. We do this by assisting women leaders in achieving their highest potential through innovative programming in leadership development and entrepreneurial skills-building.
As a non-profit organization, we depend on the generosity of friends and supporters in order to foster our growth and vitality. I hope you take a moment and consider serving as a volunteer, sponsor, or think about donating in support of our programs.
Dr. Tiamesha Walker-Smith
Executive Director, ATHENA of the Triangle